
Based on 26 reviews
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Péter DovákPéter Dovák
19:46 29 Jul 23
Julia has helped me to start my Yoga journey, and I will always be thankful for that. She is attentive, professional and provides great feedback and details so I happily recommend her private sessions to anyone who is looking for a professional private teacher 🙂
13:40 25 Jan 23
Julia is an amazing person and has a unique way of teaching. She is sensitive to individual needs and that makes yoga much more than just exercizes for body_mind. I highly recommend her classes. I have heard of other foreigners too who have taken special private classes from her for a week at a stretch and totally rejuvenated.
Mai SakrMai Sakr
02:46 02 Nov 22
I highly recommend Julia as she’s very dedicated, friendly, and has very healing energy. A beautiful soul to work with, very patient and loving. A great experience with her as she’s very knowledgeable! Can’t wait to attend any workshops,retreats,programs(anything) she creates 🙂 Thank you Julia, keep spreading your beautiful energy everywhere.
22:12 09 Sep 22
Claudia TothClaudia Toth
11:17 21 Jul 22
I had 12 sessions with Julia before traveling back to Argentina. She is a professional Yoga Instructor with a sense of humour. I highly recommend her and Feelgood Yoga studio to everyone in Budapest.
Anne WoodcockAnne Woodcock
07:25 26 Apr 22
Julia is my best discovery in Budapest 😃, she is an excellent teacher and very easy to talk to. I was so stiff and achy, after just a few lessons I am already seeing a difference in my flexibility, no back pain. She is wonderful.
Brandon UlrichBrandon Ulrich
14:16 24 Nov 21
I have been taking private classes from Julia for the past 10 weeks. The classes were all customized to focus on my specific needs and I was thrilled to see significant progress with my flexibility and strength in the areas we were working on. I left every class feeling great and ready to take on the day! Highly recommended.

Tanítványaim mondták

I had the pleasure of finding Julia’s brilliant yoga practice online when i was working in Budapest on a film for several weeks. I am a camera Operator so Yoga and stretching is a must for me but my unpredictable schedule rarely allows that i can attend regular classes. Julia’s private sessions were the perfect solution! I was able to so yoga when i wanted and always looked forward to our classes. It got me through the job mentally and physically and i would highly recommend Julia’s practice. Just the right balance of gentle stretching and strengthening with a good meditation thrown in. I’d never done one to one / private yoga before but now it will be hard to go back to classes

Tom Wilkinson

Camera Operator,

Júliának a személyisége és a humorérzéke fogott meg. Végre valaki, aki nem egy komolykodó jógatanár, mellesleg az állandó hátfájdalmam is enyhült már az első hetekben. 6 hónap után viszont azt vettem észre, hogy valahogy mintha nyugodtabb lennék és nem olyan nehéz reggel kimásznom az ágyamból és ez nagyon jó érzés!!!! Ja és egyenesen tudok ülni végre. Köszönöm.
Tamás Erika

Practicing yoga changed my core and made me more comfortable to be in my skin. I have been through a lots of hard times and bad experiences in my life and even with my career but with yoga with Julia made me feel lighter, so I feel satisfied and grateful. I would recommend this type of yoga to everyone.

S. T.

from Argentina

I’m trying to get back into a fitness routine after gaining some weight recently and Feelgoodyoga is who I have turned to in Budapest. Julia is fun and professional and Im so happy to find a private yoga class in English.
Sara Z. Thomas


With my very busy work life its often impossible to get to a studio. Bringing Yoga to my home one-on-one, especially during a stressful day is amazing and lets me focus 100% on relaxation and meditation without the distraction of the outside world. Perfect Mindfulness, I recommend Julia’s methods to everyone. Home Yoga is the future. Thanks.

D. A.

from England

Valahogy nekem olyanok Júlia jógaórái mintha egy személyi edzőhöz és egy kinezilógushoz járnék egyszerre. Kislányom születése után depresszióval küszködtem és úgy éreztem, hogy nem bírok a munkahelyemre visszamenni. A heti kétszeri jógázás rengeteget segít. Ami még egy plussz, hogy Júliával együtt összeállítottunk egy napi 15 perces jógarutint. Ha nem is minden nap, de hetente többször azzal indítom a napomat, imádom! Amit még különösen szeretek, azok az aromaterápiás olajok használata a relaxáció alatt, ezzel máshol nem találkoztam.
Zalai Ági


ExxonMobil Mindfulness and Yoga program

2019. szeptemberében az ExxonMobil számára tartottam egy Mindfulness and Yoga programot Budapesten, a Kinarps házban.

Az Ergo Conference keretében a jógázás a program része volt, ahol közel 100 külföldi és hazai munkatárs tanulhatott a “Mindfulness and Yoga in an office environment” témában. A 60 perces eseményt angol nyelven vezettem.

Corinthia Hotel Budapest Mindfulness Event

A Corinthia Hotel Budapest felkért, hogy a Mindfulness Event keretében üzleti partnerei számára irányított relaxációt tartsak, melyre 2018. decemberében és 2019. áprilisában került sor.

Foglalj jóga órát még ma!

Fizetési lehetőségek: Bankkártyás fizetés, Revolut, átutalás vagy készpénz.

Gyere el hozzánk

1027 Budapest, Vitéz utca 9.

+36 70 632 5346
